Monday, November 5, 2012


In the story of Akeidas Yitzchak the Torah says that Avraham woke up in the morning. BY GOOLLLLLYYYYY!! If he went to the Akeida it is safe to say that he woke up in the morning. This morning certain individuals in the world's population DIDN'T wake up and they are not doing ANYTHING other than lay there. Why is the Torah stating the obvious??

People are TENSEEEEEEEE!! A large portion of society has to take mood altering medications. Avraham Avinu knows that tomorrow he has to go to sacrifice his beloved son and yet he still was able to fall asleep. CALLLLMMMM.

No matter what the circumstances - remain calm. It's ALLL the will of the Ribbono Shel Olam so chillll. Chill so that you don't have to take a chill pill.....

עפ"י סידור עולת ראיה