Friday, November 9, 2012

Ehrman And R.A. Dickey

From the diary of my journeys....

Next week there are four Israel night when all the yeshivas try to attract students. Two of the host schools told me that I am not invited ["No new places - sorry"] and two are letting me come [one person emailed me back when I asked to come "Why not?" The other wrote "Ehrman? Weren't you once a good basketball player?" All humility aside, it is hard to deny the truth:-)].

But since I don't have a "name" how am I going to convince kids and parents to take an interest in my yeshiva? A dilemma that greatly troubles me. An idea I had - Get a player from the Mets or Knicks or Giants or Mitt Romney [he is free now] to come join me. That'll draw people's attention!

I make jokes but feel the pressure......

May the bitachon I have carry me on the wings of eagles:-)

Love to all and please pray for Elchanan ben Henna Miriam that I should be matzliach.