From the diary of my journeys....
Next week there are four Israel night when all the yeshivas try to attract students. Two of the host schools told me that I am not invited ["No new places - sorry"] and two are letting me come [one person emailed me back when I asked to come "Why not?" The other wrote "Ehrman? Weren't you once a good basketball player?" All humility aside, it is hard to deny the truth:-)].
But since I don't have a "name" how am I going to convince kids and parents to take an interest in my yeshiva? A dilemma that greatly troubles me. An idea I had - Get a player from the Mets or Knicks or Giants or Mitt Romney [he is free now] to come join me. That'll draw people's attention!
I make jokes but feel the pressure......
May the bitachon I have carry me on the wings of eagles:-)
Love to all and please pray for Elchanan ben Henna Miriam that I should be matzliach.