Saturday, November 10, 2012


I often have a tyve to write up the Torah I said on Shabbos. Usually I speak to a large crowd consisting of my wife and children [those still at the table]. Huge crowd. Chashuv Rosh Yeshiva:-).

This week I will succumb to this desire very succinctly. This is part of what I said at R' Yehuda Spindler's aufruff [I omit the jokes and kind things I said about the chosson which was most of the drasha].

When Sara died it says that Avraham cried ויבכתה with a small "kof". Why?

Avraham had a DIFFICULT life. He was thrown into a furnace. He was against the whole world which is why he was called עברי which means "side". He was on one side of the world and everyone else was on the other side. He didn't have a child for 86 years. He risked his life in a dangerous war against 4 powerful kings. His wife was snatched away twice etc. etc. Then his beloved wife died. He could have wallowed in his despair but he didn't.

ויבכתה with a small kof. He didn't cry too much. He took care of business. He spoke with great respect and derech eretz with the Bnei Cheis in order to acquire a burial plot for Sarah. Then he sent Eliezer to find a wife for Yitzchak. Then he married a women named Kturah and had SIX MORE CHILDREN at the age of 137 plus!  

He persevered despite the difficult circumstances.

That is Avraham and that is the Jewish People. We don't let the circumstances destroy us. We remain firm and steadfast and emerge better people. We will NOT allow a non-Jewish woman named ...Sandy, ruin us. We are stronger than her.

If I would have been with the bochrim I would have concluded with Shwekey's והיא שעמדה.

Please click here and join me in song:-).

Love and blessings

עיין בהרחבה בספר 'מסיני בא' של הרב יהודה שביב שליט"א שממנו שאבתי חלק מדברי