Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Sympton But Not The Root - Hashtag My-mer

About this post

If you follow the blog you know how much I enjoy blaming so many of our problems on modern technology [while at the same time appreciating the good modern technology has brought to general culture, the Torah world and myself in particular who may have more Torah - WITH HASHEM'S TREMENDOUS HELP - on the Internet than anybody on the planet. Not because I am better but because I have spent so many years without a job:-). If I had any talent then I would be hired right? But the blog is my domain so I can post without limits. (I am also an unofficial Rosh Yeshiva at YU but they don't know that and please don't tell them - that is how I have so many shiurim on their website despite not having been a student there for even five minutes. I loved the "Torah" part of YU but I got stuck on the "madda".) So I thank Hashem for the opportunity to spread Torah to so many and that I don't get paid so it seriously lowers the שלא לשמה element. (See the second hashtag my-mer at the bottom)]. 

But I don't think that modern technology is fully to blame for the ruin and superficiality of our relationships. I believe [and I haven't researched this yet so I can't back it up] that the ROOT of the problem is that people - for a myriad of reasons - avoid and are afraid of engaging deeply with other human beings. Technology is but a SYMPTOM.   

And that sweet friends - in my humble opinion [but not humble enough to avoid sharing it with thousands of people:-)] is the TRAGEDY of human existence. We all have SO MUCH to share with other and to enrich all those who come into contact with us -  and yet more often than not we hold back. 

That is not what Hashem wants and that is denying our souls what they so desperately need - deep, meaningful, human relationships. 

Or another more powerful word. 

