Monday, July 8, 2019

Who Scorns Hashem Chas Vi-shalom

There are a LOT of people who are good people. They daven three times a day, give tzdaka, try to keep halacha etc. etc. Nice people. Just one thing - they went through the "system", went to Israel for the year, maybe continued their learning afterwards in one framework or another. But now, they don't learn. They work, come home, eat, watch some TV, whatsapp a bit, chat with the Mrs., read the paper and go to sleep. They have no appetite for learning. Maybe the Rabbis speech in shul but that is more or less it. Or maybe they learn a mishna every day but are capable of much more. What would we say about such a person? Good guy - hey, learning isn't for everyone... 

What does the Rambam [Talmud Torah 3-13] say? 

וכן כל שאפשר לו לעסוק בתורה ואינו עוסק או שקרא ושנה ופירש להבלי עולם והניח תלמודו וזנחו הרי זה בכלל בוזה דבר ה'

Similarly, anyone who has the potential to occupy himself with Torah study and does not, or who has studied both the Written and Oral Law and turned away to the vanities of the world, leaving behind his study and ignoring it, is included in the category of "those who scorn the word of God."

My point is not to look down on such people. אל תדון את חברך עד שתגיע למקומו. We can't judge others until we have their tests and difficulties and life circumstances. My point is to remember how central and critical Talmud Torah is in the life of a Jew. A person who can learn and doesn't is in the category of "בוזה דבר השם".