Sunday, April 19, 2020

Is Davening With A Minyan [These Days] A Yetzer Tov Or Yetzer Hara? MACHLOKES

There is a very interesting Rosh Yeshiva in Yerushalyim named Rav Moshe Goldstein Shlita. He is not afraid to express his [often unique] opinions publicly. Before Pesach he ruled that people should do their regular Pesach cleaning this year. Just put everything away and sell it. Difficult times so take it easy.

Now he says that that psak that came out of Bnei Brak [based on the agreement reached with the governement] that street minyanim are allowed [small groups with masks] is the eitza of the yetzer hara and that people should still daven bi-yechidus!!! There is no historical precedent for minyanim on the street and it is not the proper venue for the Avoda She-balev of Tfillah. 

Read the letter. WOW!!!! COURAGE!!!!!馃槼馃槻 [I fear that he will get a lot of heat from people who don't appreciate others divergent opinions...]