Monday, May 31, 2021

Life And Beyond

Dr. Bruce Greyson recently wrote a book based on years and years of scientific research about life after death. It is called After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond. He had denied the existence of a soul and life after death for his whole life but his research convinced him otherwise. 

Some lessons he learned [in my words]:

1] People who died and experienced their soul and came back stopped caring about material things. Amazing. A person goes to a world that is completely spiritual and thus realizes that all the gashmiyus of this world is הבל הבלים. 

2] People felt that we are all connected and could no longer harm others because they felt that to harm others is to harm yourself. 

3] People felt that the next world was much more real than this world. This world is עלמא דשיקרא. 

4] They say that there was no time there. Even though there was a sequence of events they felt that there was no time and couldn't explain it.