Monday, May 24, 2021

Who Are Our Role Models?

One of the most famous Frum entertainers in the world lives in my neighborhood. You wouldn't know. He acts and is treated just like everyone else. He is exceedingly humble, is focused on his learning and davening and he fits in quietly with everyone else. 

And that is how it should be. 

The Frum media puts entertainers [and rich people, for that matter] on the cover of their publications and really plays them up as if they are more special than everybody else. But that is not correct. The people who deserve our adulation are - Tzadikim, Tzidkoniyos, Talmidei Chachomim, people whose lives are devoted to helping others, Ba'alei Tzdaka, mothers devoted to raising holy children etc. etc. NOT people who can sing or play music. 

There is nothing WRONG with being an entertainer. All the power to them. It provides them with a good parnassa. They bring joy to people's lives. WONDERFUL. But they are not necessarily our role models barring other redeeming qualities. If the entertainer is a Tzadik then by all means - laud him and his good deeds!! But what we see in our community is a VERY Goyish attitude of celebrity worship.