Monday, May 31, 2021

Yarmulka Lessons

 A well known Jew with a massive following on social media recently explained why he always wears a Yarmulka, as follows: This is what he has done for almost as long as he can remember and - here is the kicker - if anyone doesn't like it they can ........... here he spoke words in an angry voice worthy of a drunken sailor. 

I am embarrassed. Millions of people watch this and think that this character represents Orthodox Judaism.  It is the farthest thing from it. The Yarmulke means that Hashem is above me and that means that I can't say disgusting words. So he wears the Yarmulke, not realizing the message that the Yarmulke is really supposed to convey and manages at the same time to be מחלל שם שמים בפרהסיא when he could have just as easily made a huge Kiddush Hashem. 

He could have smiled and said that he wears a Yarmulke to remind himself that G-d is always with him, requiring him to act in an ethical manner. to respect every person he meets. to spread the Light of spirituality to the world etc. etc. 

But no. He used it as an opportunity to speak like the lowest Goy. [What he really needs is therapy to deal with his anger.]  


Reminds me of the Gemara that a man was about to have a forbidden relationship with a woman and she asked him "Do you have a mikva nearby to be toivel in afterwards?" and he didn't so he refrained. Like - he was missing the point. The reason we go to mikva is to be pure. Sleeping with a woman forbidden to a person is the height of impurity. He was cool with forbidden arayos. It was Tvilas Ezra that bothered him.  

Mussar Haskel #1: If you are identified as a Torah Jew by your clothing, use every opportunity to be מקדש שם שמים. 

Mussar Haskel #2: Think about the meaning of your actions and make sure that there is cohesion, congruence and consistency. 

Mussar Haskel #3: Be Makpid on Tvilas Ezra - just in case....