Sunday, December 19, 2021

Strange Man Converses With Tombstones

I lived in NY for about 13 years. I lived in the Old City for about 21 years. I have lived in Givat Zeev for close to 10 years.

Today I went to the place where I might be spending MUCH MORE TIME than in any of those places. 

Har HaMenuchos. 馃槼馃槻

I got lost [looking for the kever of the yid whose 讛拽诪转 诪爪讘讛 I came for]. Big time! I stopped at numerous graves and was like "You've been here for a while. Would you know where 讙讜砖 nineteen is??" SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!! Deafening silence.   

诇讗 讛诪转讬诐 讬讛诇诇讜 讬讛 讜诇讗 讻诇 讬讜专讚讬 讚讜诪讛. Those in the grave are called "讬讜专讚讬 讚讜诪讛" they go down to that place of silence. 


While we can still communicate - chap a REIN!!!!! Say as many kind words as you can!!! Learn sooooooooooooooo much Torah!! Daven with all your heart! Life is soooooooooooooooooooo shooooorttttttttt and we allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll go to the same underground destination. 

I once watched the levaya of a frum yid who was a multi multi guzzillionaire. His house which [I think I remember that he had recently sold] cost like a trillion dollars was pop-your-eyes-out-amazing. It wasn't a house - it was a resort the size of a country. I saw pix... 

And now he is living in a small underground box.  

"讻讬 诇讗 讘诪讜转讜 讬拽讞 讛讻诇 诇讗 讬专讚 讗讞专讬讜 讻讘讜讚讜" [Tehillim 49]. You can't take NUTTTIIIINNNNN' with you. 

Yet - the meshuuuuugggeennnnnnnnaaaaaa velt expends most of their energies on accruing wealth. 

Mesilas Yesharim is awesome. Shaarei Teshuva is phenomenal. But for the SHTARKEST MUSSAR - visit your local cemetery.


On the bright side - I saw the graves of SO MANY chashuve people. WOW!!!