Sunday, March 12, 2023

When Tragedy Doesn't Strike

When a tragedy strikes a family, there is often a social media campaign and holy generous Jews open their hearts and wallets. This is beautiful and a testament to the kind, sensitive Jewish soul. 

However there are many many many families where no cataclysmic tragedy has occurred. Both parents are healthy and working. Yet, despite their best efforts, they don't earn enough to cover basic expenses. Dentists, clothing for the children, therapies etc. etc. There are no social media Tzdaka campaigns for such families. Why not? Financially they are in the same boat as the tragedy stricken families - neither have enough to cover expenses. So why is our society not concerned with them? Why must they suffer alone? Why do we only care about people when something horrific happens to them? Don't people deserve care and a helping hand even if they haven't suffered a terrible tragedy? 

It is like funerals. A man lives 90 years and people barely pay attention to him [unless he is a very rich man and gives a lot of money away. Then he gets lots of attention]. Then he dies and people come out of the woodwork to sing his praises. Where was everybody until now? Where he is now he probably doesn't care very much. He has much more important things going on. But when he was alive how he would have appreciated some positive attention and appreciation. To paraphrase the Gemara: ואהבת לרעך כמוך - ברור לו מיתה יפה. We show love for a person only in death but all too rarely in life. 

We can make a change. Be the change you want to see in the world.