"Motzei Shabbos EXTRAVAGANZA!!! Has the left gone off the deep end or is the right a bunch of facist Nazis? Hear two deposed multi millionaire newscaster/pundits fight it out. No-holds barred. Racist and Homophobic remarks and taunts welcome." 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
I will happily open with my comedy act. The Homowack cancelled my recent invitation. The Catskill comedy industry is at an all time low. So I too am available. Plus I can add a dvar Torah at the end. I don't know much but I can repeat my Bar Mitzvah speech.
You might be saying "Shouldn't 'Scholars in Residence' be scholars??" True. But I have seen shuls who specialize in inviting such great "scholars" as army generals, Israeli politicians, women rabba's [and barely frum if frum at all academics] - so it is not so far fetched to invite Tucker And Lemon.