Thursday, May 18, 2023

Don't Be Misled

 Don't be misled by yarmulkes [or sheitels for that matter]. They mean very little. There are people who wear yarmulkes who are AMAZING people, Tzadikim, Holy, Kind, Sensitive etc. etc. There are also people who are Kofrim, Reshaim, liars and thieves - and EVERYTHING in between. There are women who wear sheitels who are holy and pure and there are those who promote the murder of unborn Jewish children - and everything in between. I know people who don't wear yarmulkes [some of the time - I don't have any friends who never wear a yarmulke] who have hearts of GOLD and people who wear big black hats whose hearts can be like stone. There are of course people who don't wear yarmulkes who have hearts of stone and people with big yarmulkes and hats who have hearts of gold. What can I say. Clothing doesn't mean all that much. It is more sociology than spirituality. 

Here is what one former Knesset member א.ב. wrote while a yarmulke was on his head:

ישראל, לאחר שחדלה לדאוג לילדים הפלסטינים, לא צריכה להיות מופתעת כשהם חוזרים שטופי שנאה ומפוצצים את עצמם במרכזי הבריחה מהמציאות של הישראלים. הפלסטינים מפקידים את חייהם בידי אללה באזורי הבילוי שלנו, מפני שהחיים שלהם הם סבל. הם שופכים את דמם במסעדות שלנו בשביל להרוס לנו את התיאבון, מפני שיש להם ילדים והורים רעבים ומושפלים בבית.


He also suggested that half of Tisha B'av should be a holiday b/c of הקמת המדינה. 

Ah - and he also said that he doesn't believe in G-d. But the yarmulke remains on his head. Extreme example but like I said - people with yarmulkes are found all across the spectrum.

Or the Chasidishe dressed guy on social media who proudly proclaims himself to be a champion of what the Torah explicitly forbids. I mean, if a man wants to have sexual relations with another man - who is Hashem to get involved? This is a man of PRINCIPLE!!! A Kofer ba-Torah but with principle. 

Or the "Ultra-Orthodox" [as she calls herself] nurse from Brooklyn who is very active on social media and among other things, supports "Footprints" an organization devoted to helping people comfortably do all the aveiros in the Torah and an advocate of homosexuality, lesbianism, cross-dressing etc. etc.

So sweet friends - remember, Hashem judges us on who we are, how we act, how we think, what matters to us, if we are growing, how we spend our time etc. etc. Putting on the "correct" garb is not enough. It goes without saying that one should dress in accordance with Tzniyus and Yisas Shomayim. But that is the ground floor. Those are our "work clothes". After we get dressed for work - we must WORK!!! 
