She’s taking self-love to a whole new level.
An elderly Ohio woman recently married herself in a touching ceremony dedicated to what matters most.
Dorothy “Dottie” Fedeli, 77, wore a white dress and veil and decorated her walker for the Saturday event, WLWT5 reported.
Fedeli, who lives at O’Bannon Terrace Retirement Home in Goshen, told the outlet that she got the idea from a neighbor who saw a woman do something similar on television.
The mother of three explained that she was previously married in a courthouse ceremony in 1965, but the union did not last.
“Because this is something I’ve always wanted. I wanted to get married and have a happy life but things didn’t work out that way and now I have a second chance in doing something that’ll make me happy,” Fedeli said of her self-union.
“Love, love is the most important thing in this world, and if you love God and love yourself, this world will be a field of roses.”
WOW! What an idea! Where else do you have a marriage where you can say "EXACTLY alike".