Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Shalom Task Force - Jewish Organization?


It goes without saying that they are doing valuable work in saving women from abuse. It is also important to know that they are not bound by Halacha - by their own admission. 

See here and here. [If you go to the website Shalom Task Force you can find other incriminating material.] 

WOW! The director of the Beth Din of America appearing on a panel with Chani Getter. Who is Chani???

This is how she describes herself:

CHANI GETTER grew up in an ultra-orthodox-Hasidic Jewish home in Rockland County, NY, and at 18, with barely a high school diploma, Chani entered an arranged marriage. 5 years and 3 children later, Chani left Chani's husband and as a single parent, began a journey of self-discovery. While Chani's parents initially supported the decision to leave the marriage, Chani’s decision to get a driver’s license and buy a car was a deal breaker which led the family to disown Chani and Chani's children. While it may have seemed that Chani was truly alone, Chani never felt alone.

Chani sought to expand education and career opportunities by attending Empire State College in New City, NY. Chani did this while working full time and raising the children.

After a few stops and starts, Chani graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development in 2006. Chani also completed a program called “Coaching for Transformation” receiving certification as a life coach from the New York Open Center in 2006.

Chani’s deep spirituality called Chani to explore the many forms and expressions of the Divine. In 2009, while still a single parent, Chani was ordained as an Interfaith Minister through One Spirit Interfaith Seminary.

Today, having mended fences and reconnected with Chani's family of origin, Chani is a proud, out gay parent, a spiritual leader and teacher, an established Motivational Speaker, a Certified Holistic Life Coach, a Spiritual counselor, a licensed Social Worker, and Ritual Creator. Chani has found a way to combine personal development, spiritual learning and courageous risk-taking that has been Chani's experience in life to direct retreats, create workshops and talks that are empowering and inspiring to all people.

Do Rabbis Willig and Reiss know about this? I will be דן לכף זכות.... But somebody ought to tell them. 

NOTE: When people are enemies of the Torah then "outing them' is not Lashon Hara but actually Lashon Tova. The איסור of לשון הרע is meant to protect the innocent - not the guilty and dangerous. Remaining silent when one should and must speak is ALSO a sin.