Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Where Is Shabbos In Parshas Shor Va-kesev??

 גמרא בבא בתרא קכ"א.

אמר ליה מועדי ה' צריכין קידוש בית דין שבת בראשית אינה צריכה קידוש בית דין סלקא דעתך אמינא הואיל וכתיבי גבי מועדות תיבעי קידוש בית דין כמועדות קא משמע לן.

Rav Sheshes said to him: The Festivals of the Lord require sanctification by the court. This means that the start of the month, which is dependent upon the appearance of the New Moon, which determines the Festivals, can be established only by a court composed of experts. Shabbos, which commemorates Creation, does not require sanctification by the court. Shabbos is sanctified every week independent of any court action. It may enter your mind to say: Since Shabbos is written adjacent to the Festivals, it should require sanctification by the court as do the Festivals. Rabbi Yosei HaGlili teaches us that Shabbos does not require this.

גבי מועדות – בפרשת שור או כשב (ויקרא כב). [רשב"ם]

I don't mean to be rude but the Parsha of שור או כשב does NOT talk about Shabbos [or Moados for that matter]!!!?? So what does the Rashbam mean???

Asking for a British friend "on holiday".