Wednesday, July 24, 2024

10 Ideas For Kamala's Running Mate

1]  Joe B.!! - Elementary Hakaras HaTov. She could make him her "Border Czar" doing the same lovely job she did letting in millions of illegal often dangerous immigrants. 

2] Ivanka [Yael] - This will ensure that even though Donald is going to mercilessly be all over Kamala - at least he will be more compassionate towards her running mate. 

3] A white male - Today it is all about identity politics. Black woman to attract blacks and women. White male to attract whites and males. She has the race won. 

4] A Jew - This will balance in people's eyes her pro-Arab platform. Look - she likes Jews too!! Plus - she married one. 

5] Ben Shapiro - Boy, would that confuse people!!! They would feel so ...... But hey - facts don't really care about their feelings. 

6] Michelle Obama - Wow, would that be a black-woman's-power ticket!! Plus - that would get her Barack's endorsement. 

7] Her husband. Jewish [for the Jews]. Male [for the males]. And GREAT for her Shalom Bayis: "Kamala, stop nagging me" "Hey - remember who made you Vice President!!!"

8] Hulk Hogan. It will really give her campaign some much needed "muscle".  

9] Pete Buttigieg - Two women running the country!!:-). Such pride!!

10] Rav Moshe Weinberger Shlita - Would help get her heavy donors from the Five Towns Gvirim. And of course the Orthodox Jewish vote. There must be 100 million of us. 


If Joe isn't fit to run for re-election due to his mental condition - is he fit to run the country for the rest of his term??

Asking for 330 million friends.