One thinks:
I don't have enough money.
I don't have a spouse.
I don't have a good marriage.
I don't have a job I like [or a job at all].
I don't have ownership over my home.
I don't have nachas from my children.
I don't have grandparents [or parents].
The list goes on....
Then think about other things you lack:
I don't have cancer.
I don't have hepatitis.
I don't have kidney failure.
I don't have Nazis searching for me in order to send me to the gas chambers.
I don't have alcoholism or drug addiction.
I don't have a wheelchair to take me around.
I don't have prosthetic limbs.
I don't have any Braille books.
I don't have severe gum disease.
I don't have three appointments a week with a psychiatrist in order to regulate the seven different medications that I don't take.
I don't have a serious stutter.
I don't have melanoma [doesn't the President have something like that??].
I don't have a jail cell to call home.
I don't have an outhouse for every time I need to relieve myself.
I don't have a hearing aid.
I don't have arthritis.
I don't have food stamps.
I don't have only one week to live.
There are MIIIIILLLLLIONS of things that we don't have that if we would have just ONE OF THEM - our lives would be turned upside down in a moment.
הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו!!!!!