Tuesday, December 18, 2018

GREAT Vacation Opportunity With Two Chashuv Links

From an ad in a frum magazine [with my commentary]:

The Season has begun. [What "Season"? The only one I can think of is X-mas-New Years. Avoda Zara Bi-tahara. See Avoda Zara 8 and this shiur]. 

A ---- Hotel guest automatically receives unparalleled service and that deliciously pampered sensation [I don't need pampers. I am toilet trained. Thank G-d. And Thank my Mommy] that is the result of thrilling outdoor adventures.... [why the dots? To fire the imagination, perhaps, for pleasures that may or may never happen?] and cosy indoor indulgence [I was taught that indulgence isn't necessarily a good thing. And why can't I indulge outside during my "adventures"? Am I only paying for inside indulgence but it doesn't include the outdoors??]. 

Lavish breakfast with hot and cold buffet. [Why do I need "lavish"? I will end up eating more than is good for me and I will regret it. And why get yet fatter. OK - no problem for me but for others it is...]. 

Gourmet dinner by our executive chef. [What makes him an "executive"? That is a meaningless platitude. And why doesn't all the money I am going to spend cover lunch?]

Spacious and comfortable rooms. [I guarantee you - not NEARLY as spacious as my apartment. A fraction of the size and many times more the price].

24 hour tea and coffee. [And of course cake. If your meals are so lavish and gourmet, shouldn't I be full that I shouldn't have to nosh on junk food in between meals? And why 24 hours? Can't there be a time when food is not available? Like at 3am??] 

Highest standards of kashrus. [Except that the entire experience flies in the face of the pasuk "Kedoshim Tihiyu" as understood by the Ramban. Not to mention all the mingling that will go on and the number of times men are attracted to other people's wives. Like a thousand times a day. This shiur talks about that.] 

Plus, this hotel is in Chutz La-aretz and it is forbidden to leave Eretz Yisrael [for one who lives here] barring special circumstances. 

Also - IF I would have 20k to drop on a week of having a good time - I would feel MUCH BETTER giving it to my neighbor whose apartment is about to be repossessed by the bank or my numerous friends who live in perpetual, bottomless debt. Forget altruism - I would feel better.  Of course, that is not why one should give. One should give because it is the will of Hashem and a holy act. But the reality is that it feels much better to give than to fress or even to go skiing. That is scientifically proven. 

But who knows - maybe if I had the money I would feel differently and you would see me at this hotel - eating lavish gourmet meals with an executive chef. I bless myself and you that we should have the "ניסיון העושר" and find out!! 


I AM NOT AGAINST VACATION!!! I AM NOT PREACHING ASCETICISM. I just think we often go too far AND THUS FORGET OUR PURPOSE ON EARTH. The advertisements in the religious media are often agents of the powers of the not-holy to steer us from the straight and narrow. NO - I DON'T NEED ALL OF THE "STUFF" you are selling me. I am HAPPY and THRILLED with what I have.   

So ENJOY LIFE - but never forget why you are here. 

Bi-ahava rabba,

