Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Compassion Of Moshe

ויגדל משה ויצא אל אחיו, יספר מצדקת משה ואיך מנעוריו היו בו כל המעלות שבעבורם זכה לכל הכבוד הזה, שהגם שגדל בבית מלך וישראל היו אז בתכלית השפלות לא הסתיר פניו מהם ויצא אליהם מצד שהם אחיו, הפך מטבע האנשים שבעלותם לגדולה יתרחקו מאחיהם העניים והאביונים, זאת שנית שראה בסבלותם היינו שהביט ע״ז בעין חמלה ולבו עליו דוי, זאת שלישית שראה איש מצרי מכה איש עברי מאחיו, שהגם שגדל בין המצריים ומתערב עמהם היו כזרים בעיניו, והאיש העברי המוכה הרגיש בצרתו מצד שהוא אחיו עצמו ובשרו, ועל המכה חרה אפו מצד שהוא מצרי נבזה ושפל בעיניו. ובזה עטה כמעיל קנאה על הכותו את אחיו החשוב בעיניו:
[Significance of the emphasis that 'he went out to his brothers'.]
WHEN MOSHE WAS GROWN, HE WENT OUT TO HIS BROTHERS. Stressed is Moshe's righteousness in that already in his youth he possessed all the exalted qualities on account of which he was to be so acclaimed. Although he grew up in a royal palace at a time when the Israelites lived in the most abject condition, he not only did not avoid them, as usually happens with people who rise to eminence and as a result remove themselves a great distance from their lowly and deprived brethren, but he went out to them precisely because they were his brothers.
Moreover, he saw their oppression — he had a compassionate view of their condition and his heart sorrowed for them.
HE SAW A MIZRIAN SMITING A HEBREW. It is further stressed that although he was raised among them, they were like strangers in his eyes, and he identified instead with the pain of the afflicted Hebrew in whom he saw one of his brothers, his very own bone and flesh. Indeed, his anger flared at the attacker because he was a Mizrian — someone despicable in his eyes and base. So he put on zeal as a mantle against him for striking a cherished brother of his.
1. Jer. 8:18.
2. Gen. 29:14.
3. Cf. (Isa. 59:17).

Lesson: Don't have an inferiority complex!!