Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Nature Of Our Culture

Lebron James is not a bad ball player. I understand why people like to watch him play. If there is a choice between watching him or watching me - I would watch him too. [Full disclosure - I find watching basketball BOOOORIINGGGGG. Like, a kashya of Rebbe Akiva Eiger is soooo much more stimulating]. 

But what INTELLIGENT ideas and thoughts does he have? I would say that there are hundreds of millions if not billions of people more intelligent and more educated than he. So why, by golly, does he have 41.9 MILLION followers on twitter. 

That is a sad reflection on our culture. Someone's ability to throw a cowhide in a net make him a hero, a multi multi multi guzillionaire and someone who people want to read about and read from. 

Imagine if these 41.9 million people would instead spend their time reading ideas that are ethically edifying??

[I am not judging him as a human being. Maybe he is a great guy. But why should people be interested in his thoughts?]