Sunday, December 30, 2018


Not normal! WITH HASHEM'S HELP!!

A person has to learn to be a Torah connoisseur. To separate the really good Torah from the unbelievably amazing. To be able to appreciate how a teaching of Hashem and his rabbis which started out so PUZZLING becomes so ILLUMINATING. I sometimes feel that this is lost on people. Actually - I often feel it and don't really know what to do about it. Like, I attend a shiur Shabbos morning [in between the early and later minyanim] where the Torah is beyond unbelievable. A very small number of people come at all. Others are in the Beis Medrash where the shiur is being given but don't even bother coming forward to a place where they can here. Instead they learn other things or start davening [even though they have pleeeenty of time to say everything afterward]. 

To appreciate masterful Torah is a ZCHUS!!