Sunday, June 23, 2019

Anu Mashkimin Vi-heim Mashkimin

Anu Mashkimin Li-divrei Torah. We get up early, we learn, daven and move on with our day. 

Vi-heim Mashkimin. Donald Trump had a rally in Florida to kick-off his re-election campaign. Over 100,000 people tried to get in. People spent TWO DAYS in the rain waiting to get tickets. Only about 20,000 got in. 

To quote myself from a recent post: "The source in the Torah for telling the receiver of gift from whom it was received is Shabbos - "לדעת כי אני ה' מקדשכם". Life is boring, meaningless and a drag. Really. That is why people spend so many hours on social media. That is why people follow sports. That is why people read newspapers. That is why people drink, do drugs, gamble, overeat and the list goes on and on. "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation". Man's deeper existential angst is drowned out by the rock music. 

But when one's life is imbued with Kedusha he doesn't need all that stuff. The Kedusha is fulfillment enough and a source of endless joy. Shabbos is the day of Kedusha! It reminds us that Hashem creates the world for a Higher Purpose. It was CRITICAL for the Jews to be told that they were given this gift of Shabbos by Hashem so that they develop and cultivate this feeling of gratitude to Hashem for this gift. Ultimately, they will be fully cognizant of Hashem's gifts and spend all of their time and energy pursuing a closer relationship with Hashem." 

What is their motivation to go to this rally? Don't get me wrong. I badly want Trump to win. Among other things, electing one of the Talmidei Karl Marx as President doesn't bode well for the economy and more specifically for the Jewish people and most Democrats in the race indeed want America to turn Socialist in memory of their Rebbah Reb Karl. So President Donald J. has my full support and endorsement [and prayers - as he did last time]. But to spend so much time and effort in order to attend this rally is to my mind just an expression of how bored and empty people are. They need excitement in their lives. Donald Trump provides a break from the monotony of their existence. 

Sad Shebi-Sad!