Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Assault On The Traditional Family

The Gemara says that the שכינה only dwells among pure-bred families [משפחות מיוחסות בישראל] - Kiddushin 69b. 

There are at least three areas where the traditional family [and mutatis mutandis - the שכינה] is under siege.

A] Alternative lifestyles. 

It is not just that homosexuals are so vocal. They are 10 percent or less of the population but manage to make headlines constantly. It is that they are PROUD of their same sex attraction. The pasuk calls that an "abomination". I am not referring only to homosexuality but to pride. תועבת ה' כל גבה לב. Pride is an abomination. Homosexuality is an abomination [according to the Torah no different than having sex with animals]. Pride that one is a homosexual is an abomination squared. A person has same sex attraction רח"ל? He should cry. We should cry for him. But today it is considered something of which to be proud. When we were [immature] kids and REALLY wanted to insult someone, we would call him a "Homo". Today that has somehow turned into a compliment.   

B] Not getting married. 

People just live together, often have children but don't find it necessary to officially get married. Why? Because it is much more complicated to end a marriage than it is to end a non-obligatory relationship. Herein lies the problem. We WANT it to be hard to break up a relationship. That is what gives the relationship a chance to withstand friction. The knowledge that one can walk away any second with no strings attached is TERRIBLE. 

So is the sign I often see when travelling from the Five Towns to the city. "DIVORCE FOR ONLY $349" [or something like that]. Sounds GREAT. $349 and I am a FREE MAN. But that is only on the surface. It is actually a destruction to the stability of the family unit. Chazal decreed the kesubah obligation from the man to the wife so he would think a thousand times before splitting up. 

C] Divorce. 

There is so much of that around and no matter how amicable, it is always bad for the children and painful for the couple. In some cases divorce is necessary [such as where there is abuse] but the ideal is that divorce shouldn't be necessary. The couple fell out of love? Not a good reason to get divorced. "Fall" back in love. Love is a verb. Do loving things for each other, express affection, sacrifice your own needs in order to fulfill those of your partner and watch the love rekindle. 

Not working? Go to therapy.

This therapist didn't help? Keep going until you find one that does. 

Still not "feeling" love? Too bad. You have children to think about and they need a stable family. So keep acting toward your spouse as if you love him or her and if you aren't feeling it, so is life. It is tremendously short and terribly imperfect [from our perspective]. Divorce is just trading one set of problems for another. Like - pick your poison. And pick the one that causes your children the least harm.