Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Vast Interface Between Politics And Religion

What do I know about politics?

Very little. 

Did I take political science in college? 


But here is the issue I think almost everybody misses. Almost every issue in politics bears on theological or religious or philosophical or moral questions. To name just a few - war [e.g. was it morally justified to fight in Vietnam], abortion, immigration rights, gun control, environmental issues, the Middle East conflict, the proper allocation of government funds, homosexuality, capitalism vs. socialism and much much more. The Torah and Halacha have a LOT to say about these issues. That is probably one reason why a king was appointed by the Sanhedrin and a Navi - Hilchos Melachim 1-3.  

The PROBLEM is that politicians are taking stands on these issues. But based on WHAT?? 

I will tell you. Based on what they FEEL. Period. Most politicians profess to believe in G-d [as they have since the birth of the republic which was founded by very religious people]. But G-d and His will is [almost] NEVER part of the conversation. So - מהיכי תיתי?? How can you say your position is correct?? How do you know? Who are YOU to decide that life starts outside the womb? Who are you to make it illegal to refuse to make a wedding cake for a same sex marriage? Who are you to take money out of the hands of people who honestly earned it because you don't like the fact that they are so rich [the free market helped take HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS out of poverty]? Who are you to tell Israel that they have no right to build homes in their own country?? Do they tell you not to build in New Jersey? These are BIIIIG QUESTIONS!!!

And if G-d is out of the picture and you are creating a secular ethic, there is a strong argument that there is no such thing. 

So we have politicians motivated by a desire for power, many with checkered personal pasts, bound to the opinions of their donors and voter base, making decisions that affect quality of life and even life and death for millions. 
