Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Misuse Of Language

I have written in the past about the use and misuse of language. 

Here is an example. Elizabeth Warren, running for president, was asked about whether she supports abortion. She basically said that she will support a woman's right to kill her fetus at anytime and we - the taxpayers - will pay for it. But of course she didn't put it that way. She didn't say "kill" or talk about how she will force tens of millions of people who are morally opposed, pay for it. 

In what terms did she couch her feminist-leftist-progressive-position?

I will support a "woman's right for reproductive health care". 


KILLING-TERMINATING a PERFECTLY HEALTHY FETUS that will exit the uterus of a COMPLETELY HEALTHY WOMAN and be a PERFECTLY HEALTHY BABY even within three minutes is called HEALTH CARE!!  

We are not talking about where the fetus is deformed or in the third week after conception. We are talking even about a healthy fetus and even in an advanced stage of development. 

Is that healthy??