Monday, June 24, 2019


I graduated exactly 34 years ago from elementary school. [It was a LOOOONG time ago. At that time, "Apple" was only a fruit and telephones had wires, cords and were connected to walls. Also, close to TWO BILLION people have since died....] At the time it was really important to me. In retrospect - did it affect my life in any significant way? I don't believe so. 

Lesson - Things that seem REALLY important at one point in life often turn out to be really unimportant at other stages. Something tells me that when I die, I will not be asked to show my diplomas. 

Either will you. 

Not that this means that one shouldn't receive a formal education. Just that it's value shouldn't be blown out of proportion. 

תכלית חכמה - תשובה ומעשים טובים!!

[ברכות י"ז] 
