Thursday, June 27, 2019

Being Realistic

Every 4 years there are elections and EVERY candidate sings the SAME niggun. "The country is a MESS. Only I will be able to fix it". 

But we all KNOW, just KNOW, that in four years there will be another group of candidates saying that the President is doing a LOUSY job and you must elect ME.

So when you listen to them, they usually sound good. They will fix the economy, ensure security, improve education, stop crime, help the poor, indigent and unfortunate. They have elaborate plans and present them as being fool proof. 

Reality check. 

Even if we attribute good motivations to all the candidates, we must admit that there has never been a President who didn't have to run for re-election because everybody said "You're doing an amazing job. Keep it up." No matter what - tens of millions of American will be dissatisfied and want a change. 

"לא יחדל אביון מקרב הארץ". There will sadly always be poor people. There will always be crime, drug problems, immigration issues, unfair inequality etc. etc. 

You want Utopia, a perfect world, a solution to all our problems - MESSIAH!!!

An honest politician would say "I will do my best. Here are my plans [fill in the blanks]. We need a LOT of siyata di-shmaya. G-d runs the world. I will try to be a faithful messenger. I know at times I will fail but we are all human. I am also willing to change my positions if I am convinced that a different ideas would work better. I think I will do a good job but I have never been President before and pray for great Divine assistance. G-d bless you and G-d bless America!!!"