Sunday, June 30, 2019


Rav Charlap ztz"l: When a simple person learns Torah, he understands on his level. When a much bigger person sees the SAME TEXT, he sees MUCH MORE and at times something completely different. [As one Rosh Yeshiva once said "Shtayt in Rashba. Al kol ponim in my Rashba".] 

Also, when the same person learns a text for the first time and then returns to it and learns it again and again, he realizes that his original understanding was really more his own imagination than what the text is saying. 

In the same vein, we now perceive the physical world as real and the spiritual world as an abstract concept. The day will come when we will realize how off the mark we were. The fact is that the physical reality is fleeting like a dream and the only true reality is the spiritual one. 

If we live with that knowledge - it can transform us.