Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Reward And Punishment

If we keep Torah and mitzvos in order to receive reward it is a form of Avoda Zara. Whom are we serving? Ourselves. Imagine you were really nice to a girl because you wanted something from her. Your fantasy's took you places where you imagined she could give you what nobody else could, רח"ל Hashem guard us. When someone does mitzvos just for the sake of reward then it is EXACTLY that. It is not about the relationship but about ME and MY pleasure. And Hashem we can't fool [like the girl] and he knows EXACTLY what is in our hearts.  

Reward and punishment are written in the Torah, says Rav Charlap, just to give us an indication of what is right and wrong, good and bad. But that can't be our motivation. 

If in the meantime we are not there yet - מתוך שלא לשמה בא לשמה - Hopefully we will get there soon!! In the meantime we do what is right regardless of our motivations. 
