Thursday, July 4, 2019

People Who Can't Do Teshuva - Link

The Rambam says [Avoda Zara 2-5]:

ישראל שעבד עבודת כוכבים הרי הוא כעובד כוכבים לכל דבריו ואינו כישראל שעובר עבירה שיש בה סקילה מומר לעבודת כוכבים הרי הוא מומר לכל התורה כולה וכן האפיקורסים מישראל אינן כישראל לדבר מן הדברים ואין מקבלים אותם בתשובה לעולם שנאמר כל באיה לא ישובון ולא ישיגו ארחות חיים והאפיקורסים הם התרים אחר מחשבות לבם בסכלות דברים שאמרנו עד שנמצאו עוברים על גופי תורה להכעיס בשאט בנפש ביד רמה ואומרים שאין בזה עון ואסור לספר עמהן ולהשיב עליהן תשובה כלל שנאמר ואל תקרב אל פתח ביתה ומחשבה של אפיקורוס לעבודת כוכבים:

A Jew who serves false gods is considered like a gentile in all regards and is not comparable to a Jew who violated another transgression punishable by being stoned to death. An apostate who worships false gods is considered to be an apostate with regard to the entire Torah.

Similarly, Jewish Apikorsim are not considered to be Jews with regard to any matter. Their repentance should never be accepted, as [implied by Proverbs 2:19]: "None that go to her repent, nor will they regain the paths of life."

The Apikorsim are those who stray after the thoughts of their hearts, concerning themselves with the foolish matters mentioned above, until they ultimately transgress against the body of Torah [law] arrogantly, with scorn, with the intent of provoking God's anger, and yet say that there is no sin involved.

It is forbidden to talk to them or to reply to them at all, as [Proverbs 5:8] states: "Do not come close to her door." [It can be assumed that] a min's thoughts are concerned with false gods.

This Rambam qualifies these heretics as people who sin arrogantly and with scorn etc. However, these conditions only apply to his status as a heretic vis a vis Hilchos Teshuva. But when it comes to one's status vis a vis the rest of the Torah then a regular standard Apikorus counts as one [see Hilchos Teshuva 8-9] even without the preconditions the Rambam listed here. 

What is the source for this distinction? The Gemara in Avoda Zara [17] says as follows: 

ומעבירה לא והתניא אמרו עליו על ר"א בן דורדיא שלא הניח זונה אחת בעולם שלא בא עליה פעם אחת שמע שיש זונה אחת בכרכי הים והיתה נוטלת כיס דינרין בשכרה נטל כיס דינרין והלך ועבר עליה שבעה נהרות בשעת הרגל דבר הפיחה אמרה כשם שהפיחה זו אינה חוזרת למקומה כך אלעזר בן דורדיא אין מקבלין אותו בתשובה

הלך וישב בין שני הרים וגבעות אמר הרים וגבעות בקשו עלי רחמים אמרו לו עד שאנו מבקשים עליך נבקש על עצמנו שנאמר (ישעיהו נד, י) כי ההרים ימושו והגבעות תמוטינה אמר שמים וארץ בקשו עלי רחמים אמרו עד שאנו מבקשים עליך נבקש על עצמנו שנאמר (ישעיהו נא, ו) כי שמים כעשן נמלחו והארץ כבגד תבלה

אמר חמה ולבנה בקשו עלי רחמים אמרו לו עד שאנו מבקשים עליך נבקש על עצמנו שנאמר (ישעיהו כד, כג) וחפרה הלבנה ובושה החמה אמר כוכבים ומזלות בקשו עלי רחמים אמרו לו עד שאנו מבקשים עליך נבקש על עצמנו שנאמר (ישעיהו לד, ד) ונמקו כל צבא השמים

אמר אין הדבר תלוי אלא בי הניח ראשו בין ברכיו וגעה בבכיה עד שיצתה נשמתו יצתה בת קול ואמרה ר"א בן דורדיא מזומן לחיי העולם הבא [והא הכא בעבירה הוה ומית] התם נמי כיון דאביק בה טובא כמינות דמיא

And does not one die on renouncing sins other [than idolatry]? 

Surely it has been taught: It was said of R. Eleazar b. Dordia that he did not leave out any harlot in the world without coming to her. Once, on hearing that there was a certain harlot in one of the towns by the sea who accepted a purse of denarim for her hire, he took a purse of denarim and crossed seven rivers for her sake. As he was with her, she blew forth breath and said: As this blown breath will not return to its place, so will Eleazar b. Dordia never be received in repentance. 

He thereupon went, sat between two hills and mountains and exclaimed: Hills and mountains, plead for mercy for me! They replied: How shall we pray for you? We stand in need of it ourselves, for it is said, For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed! 

So he exclaimed: Heaven and earth, plead  for mercy for me! They, too, replied: How shall we pray for you? We stand in need of it ourselves, for it is said, For the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment.

He then exclaimed: Sun and moon, plead for mercy for me! But they also replied: How shall we pray for thee? We stand in need of it ourselves, for it is said, Then the moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed.

He exclaimed: You stars and constellations, plead for mercy for me! Said they: How shall we pray for you? We stand in need of it ourselves, for it is said, And all the hosts of heaven shall moulder away.

 Said he: The matter then depends upon me alone! Having placed his head between his knees, he wept aloud until his soul departed. Then a bas kol was heard proclaiming: 'Rabbi Eleazar b. Dordai is destined for the life of the world to come!' Now, here was a case of a sin [other than מינות] and yet he did die! — In that case, too, since he was so much addicted to immorality it is as [if he had been guilty of] מינות.

Where does the right and privilege to do Teshuva come from? It comes from the internal conflict that one feels as he is sinning. He feels in the deepest recesses of his heart that this is NOT the right thing to do. That hidden, dormant feeling at the time of sin later breaks through and is the root of a full blown Teshuva. But if there is no trace of any regret, remorse or guilt then then is no possibility of Teshuva. 

This Gemara is teaching. When one reaches a point where he sins with "אדוק בה" - complete addiction, then he must die. There is nothing left in the heart that opposes this action. The same applies to מינות. When one reaches a point where there is no internal conflict at all - it's over. 

From here the Rambam extrapolated that the same applies to those who are  

 התרים אחר מחשבות לבם בסכלות דברים שאמרנו עד שנמצאו עוברים על גופי תורה להכעיס בשאט בנפש ביד רמה ואומרים שאין בזה עון 

who stray after the thoughts of their hearts, concerning themselves with the foolish matters mentioned above, until they ultimately transgress against the body of Torah [law] arrogantly, with scorn, with the intent of provoking God's anger, and yet say that there is no sin involved.

In our day, many sins are not only committed but even celebrated. THEREIN lies the problem. We all have a yetzer hara and we all succumb from time to time. The question is if we celebrate it and say we have done nothing wrong. On the contrary - those intolerant ones who are opposed to this behavior are the ones in error... 

How did Yirmiyahu put it [2-35]? 

הִנְנִי נִשְׁפָּט אוֹתָךְ עַל אָמְרֵךְ לֹא חָטָאתִי
I judge you for saying that you didn't sin.


This is discussed here