I recently read a booklet marshaling source after source that it is absolutely forbidden to study in any academic setting. The author was particularly opposed to the study of psychology for which the author brought numerous sources. ASSUR ASSUR ASSUR!!!!!!!!!!
Problem #1: This severely limits the possibility of getting any job that will support a family. There are exceptions but the rule is that w/o a degree, one will not be hired for any decent paying job. That is a huge problem b/c poverty is a huge problem.
Problem #2: Earlier today I listened to a talk given in Yiddish [so it was VERY frum!!] by a Rebbi whose talmid died in Meron. He kept emphasizing to his shiur that these words of chizzuk are NOT intended for boys suffering from trauma. Such boys need professional help and no amount of chizzuk will help them. When I was in the hospital I saw a room which was set aside to deal with those suffering from trauma after that recent disaster.
So here is my simple question: In the Charedi world, there is mental illness just as there is in the general population. It turns out that Charedim are people too and suffer from an endless array of psychological, psychotic and psychiatric ailments. [I know that b/c people consider me Charedi and I am affectionately known as the "Mechiginner Rebbe". I have considered moving to Michigan for that reason but the "Michiginner Rebbe" doesn't HAVE to live in Michigan, just as the "Bostoner Rebbe" lives in Har Nof and the "Pittsburgher Rebbe" lives in Ashdod]. So what are we supposed to do?
A number of options:
1] Let them suffer!!! Psychology is Assur so it may not be used. AVODAH ZARA!!!
Nobody says that. Judaism is a practical religion!!:-).
2] Send them to non-frum professionals!!!
Not advised. So said Rav Moshe ztz"l [אגרות משה יו"ד ב נ"ז]. That is dangerous for the soul!! See here.
3] Send them to Rabbonim!!!
Rav Chaim Kneyevsky knowns Kol HaTorah koolah but doesn't claim to be a trauma expert or have any expertise in treating OCD, anxiety or the myriad of other ailments out there. He also doesn't perform brain surgery. He sends to doctors!! A kal va-chomer that any lesser Talmid Chochom can't help just based on Torah knowledge. Rabbonim aren't equipped to deal with complex psychological issues [unless they undergo special training]. Rabbonim are equipped to teach Torah and to pasken shylos.
4] Have FRUM YIREI SHOMAYIM learn psychology and psychiatry and help our mentally disturbed.
That seems to be the only tenable option.
In fact there have been people such as Rabbi Dr. A.J Twerski and Rabbi Yaacov Greenwald who were trained mental health professionals and saved many people in our community. They studied their craft with the encouragement of the Gedolim and Gedolim would send to them. Indeed the practice today is that anyone involved in chinuch refers difficult cases to trained professionals.
See here for the POSITIVE results of being a trained therapist and the damage that can be done by those who are not but nevertheless dabble in mental health issues.
Conclusion: I am a nobody, a zero, not much better than a dead fly. I don't decide important issues for anyone but myself [and have made a LOT of big mistakes!!!]. But I thought it was important to bring this issue out into the open so that the best possible solutions can be found.