Sunday, May 9, 2021

Retzicha Bi-shogeg

 I am NOT judging and will let Hashem do the judging. 

But fact: Just about every one of the THOUSANDS of Frum Yidden who got sick and/or died from Corona caught it from another religious Jew. One story: A man I know got Corona, came home and gave it to his now dead wife. He didn't MEAN to give it to her but he did. 

All of the 45 who died and the 150 who were injured in Meron suffered as a result of other [albeit well meaning] Jews. 

So hey - let us do EVERYTHING we can to not harm another human being. 

Remember that  אדם מועד לעולם, בין שוגג, בין מזיד, בין ער, בין ישן. Man is one of the Arba Avos Mazikin [מבעה].