Sunday, August 29, 2021

תשפ"ב - Take Control

 ת'הא ש'נת פ'לאפון ב'מגירה. 

I can't speak for anyone else. Only for myself. I have [to my dismay..] a cell phone. It is "kosher". No internet, no texting, no apps. Just receiving and making calls. Whenever I DON'T have the phone on me, I put it away, in a proverbial drawer ["במגירה"] - I am happier. No distractions. I can focus on whatever I am doing with no chance for interruptions from any human being who possesses the motorial skills to dial a few numbers in a specific order.  I watch people around me and MAMESH NEBUCH. 


24-6 busy with their phone in one form or another. Always "on call". Sad and arousing pity. Never ever fully present. People have trouble just walking down the street without blabbering away. No introspection. No processing people and events. Just blah blah blah blah. An endless flow of mostly meaningless verbiage. [There is a lot to discuss about the קלקול לכח הדיבור ואכמ"ל].  

I am not talking about all of the issurim on everyone's phone [נושא נכבד כשלעצמו]. Just about the capacity to be present. To focus on your spouse, children, learning, davening and whatever person happens to be in front of you. I grew up in the 70's. I am not suggesting we return there and use typewriters etc. etc. I AM suggesting that we take control of technology and stop letting technology control us. In some ways - things were MUCH BETTER back then.  

ת'הא ש'נת פ'ועל ב'חכמה. [Our 13th Roshei Teivos for this year!!] 

Act with wisdom. Be a מרא דחושבנא. Don't follow the herd

So put your phones away at least most of the time and LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!