Sunday, December 12, 2021


 Regarding the previous post - a lesson for life for us and our children: Deeds have consequences. In the aforementioned case she made a choice - to engage in an act [not sanctioned by Jewish law] that would give her physical and emotional pleasure but came along with a risk [besides being forbidden and quite morally repugnant especially given the timing]. She knew the risk and was willing to take it. 

She paid the price.   

Then she had another choice - abort or not abort. Each action would have consequences. She chose to abort [the morally deficient choice according to our - and her - tradition] and once again had to pay a heavy price. Tremendous physical and emotional anguish.   

This applies to everything in life. You want to enjoy food that is not good for you - there is a price. You want to be lazy? A price. Spend money on unnecessary things not on your budget - a price [literally]. The list goes on and on. A person must be mindful of the consequences of his or her choices and act accordingly. 

People commit crimes - they have to pay a heavy price. Go to jails and ask people if crime pays. Kids go OTD - there is a price. They are always miserable and never feel really good about their choices and about themselves. They have high rates of depression and suicide. So yes they "gained" not having to keep any laws but paid a heavy price. Married people stray - they pay big time. Having an affair is probably super exciting [stolen waters are sweet!!! Mishlei 9-17] but it is usually very expensive - like losing one's house, children, having to pay college tuitions for the children of divorce lawyers, etc. etc.

When one makes the RIGHT decisions there are ALSO consequences - always positive but often not w/o difficulty.   

ישמע חכם ויוסף לקח.