Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Dennis Is Convinced That He Will Be FIIIINNNNEEEEEEE - I Am Not

Dennis Prager is one of the most visible and followed Jews alive. He has millions and millions of people who listen to his radio show and youtube videos and read his columns and books. 

He seems like a nice enough fellow but he presents himself as a religious Jew while he is a Mechalel Shabbos Bi-farhesia and a Kofer BiTorah Shebial Peh etc. etc. ["I am religious but not Orthodox". Oh - so Reform Judaism is an authentic expression of Jewish tradition?? So INTERESTING!!]

I saw a "drasha" he gave in a church רח"ל. [Odd that they fawned over him since their religion teaches that he is a horrible sinner doomed for eternity but that is another topic worthy of a different post].  Among other chochmos he said that he is not afraid to die b/c either there is nothing after death [so he has nothing to fear] or there is a Kind Benevolent G-d so he has nothing to fear. 

There is another possibility he missed out on. There is indeed a Kind Benevolent G-d but there is also reward and punishment and we have to pay for doing wrong. That is the traditional Jewish belief. And if one has on his record so many aveiros bi-meizid [he was raised frum] - he has of what to be afraid. But he created a false narrative that he can decide to do whatever he wants and everything will be FIIIIINEEEEE. 

Rav Yochanan ben Zakkai was a much better Jew than Dennis and was TERRIFIED.  

 וּכְשֶׁחָלָה רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בֶּן זַכַּאי נִכְנְסוּ תַּלְמִידָיו לְבַקְּרוֹ. כֵּיוָן שֶׁרָאָה אוֹתָם הִתְחִיל לִבְכּוֹת. אָמְרוּ לוֹ תַּלְמִידָיו: ״נֵר יִשְׂרָאֵל, עַמּוּד הַיְּמִינִי, פַּטִּישׁ הֶחָזָק״, מִפְּנֵי מָה אַתָּה בּוֹכֶה? 

A similar story is told about Rabbi Eliezer’s mentor, Rabban Yoḥanan ben Zakkai: When Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Zakkai fell ill his students entered to visit him. When he saw them, he began to cry. His students said to him: Lamp of Israel, the right pillar, the mighty hammer, the man whose life’s work is the foundation of the future of the Jewish people, for what reason are you crying? With a life as complete as yours, what is upsetting you?