Saturday, December 11, 2021

Do What Is Right B/C It Is Right - And ALSO To Make A Kiddush Hashem

 People often remark when a frum Jew publicly acts with mentschlichkeit that he made a "Kiddush Hashem".

What people seem to mean is that it is good PR for the Jews. 

Kiddush Hashem is MUCH more than that. 

Another point: Before we get to the most elevated plateau of Kiddush Hashem, we must remember that there is great in value in doing what is right b/c it is right. Being honest is an obligation whether it creates a Kiddush Hashem or not. Being polite is an obligation whether it makes a Kiddush Hashem or not. It is not ONLY about making a Kiddush Hashem but also about just being and doing what is טוב וישר בעיני השם!!!