Today is the yahrtzeit of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz ztz"l [here is a shiur in his memory. Part 2]. There are various popular speakers on the Internet such as Jordan Peterson who get millions of views and readers of their books and articles [myself included] and people are enamored with them and their wisdom. If you open the sefer of Rav Chaim ztz"l "Sichas Mussar" you will find more wisdom and insight into life than in a thousand books and lectures by the popular non-Jewish "darshanim". I heard many years ago from a psychologist who was "a Baki in Kol Kisvei Freud" and held that Sichas Mussar was much better... [not to mention that almost nobody holds of Siggy's shittos anymore].
I am not only saying this b/c I am biased [I admittedly am] - but I really think that it is really true.
Amazing, amazing sefer [not to mention the sefarim recording his primary focus in life which was Gemara and Meforshim. One can find on-line many many shiurim based on his Torah in English. שמעו ותחי נפשכם].
[BTW - Peterson is a clinical psychologist but strikes me as being a deeply deeply troubled soul on many levels. He acknowledges that he is on mood altering medication which is not inherently wrong but I wouldn't turn to him to help me live a happier more fulfilling life.]