Tuesday, July 16, 2024

DEI Hires? Think Women Can't Do The Job? Here Are The Benefits Of Lady Secret Service Agents

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is under fire in the wake of the nearly successful assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump as apparent security failures and responses from some of Trump’s close detail have highlighted Cheatle’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

The shooting and aftermath brought significant questions, including how it was possible a building that seemed like an obvious vantage point for a shooter to have a clear line to Trump was not adequately covered and why Trump’s detail had agents who were significantly smaller in stature than the former president.

Critics noted in the aftermath of the gunshots that some of the agents responsible for shielding Trump were not only smaller than the president and therefore incapable of covering his body but also appeared confused in response to a scenario they were supposed to be trained for.

“But amid all the chaos weaves the thread of another story, one that reveals a mounting problem in our political life,” Christopher Rufo, an outspoken critic of DEI policies, wrote. “A surprising number of the Secret Service agents protecting the former president were women. And, according to video recordings of the scene, many did not acquit themselves favorably.”

“I am not arguing that DEI caused the lapse in security at the rally in Butler. It is too early to know this one way or another,” Rufo added. “But the near-miss assassination reminds us of the stakes: split-second reactions, physical courage, and calm under pressure are all essential to the work of protecting the president. If any of those slip, even by an inch, the result is death. What we saw on Saturday was an act of Divine Providence, not competence.”

Video from the attack shows several female Secret Service agents who were not large enough to cover Trump’s body huddle around the former president to protect him from fire, leaving Trump exposed. The footage showed another agent fumbling with her gun, incapable of finding her holster, and another still who, critics say, appeared uncertain about what to do.

Cheatle and her priorities for the agency have come under fire since the assassination attempt.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) called Cheatle a “DEI hire.”

Since President Joe Biden tapped her to lead the agency in 2022, Cheatle has been hyperfocused on injecting DEI into the Secret Service, her critics say. She had previously pledged to make 30% of the agency’s workforce female by 2030.

“I’m very conscious, as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women,” Cheatle told CBS News last year.

Female Secret Service agents have caught a lot of backhanded remarks as the country has reacted to the recent shooting of Donald Trump. Some people even seem to think having Lady Secret Service agents might not be the best idea in every situation. That's absolute hogwash!

We understand the critical role female agents play in the Secret Service, so we've put together this listicle to help underline all of the special talents these ladies bring to the table:

They can hold up their little makeup mirror thingies to reflect the sun into the eyes of an assassin and blind him: He'll never see it coming.

Some women have no qualms about recklessly running over curbs or pedestrians while driving the getaway car: They'll do this during normal motorcades too, though, so it's a bit of a double-edged sword.

They'll always make sure that everyone is safe and that no one gets hurt by standing on a slightly inclined roof: Safety comes first!

They can do that cool move where the boy Secret Service agents lift them above their heads like cheerleaders to provide even more shielding to the president: Rah! Rah! Rah!

Their high heels double as sharp stabby weapons: We've seen this in the movies.

It's very easy for the President to reach over their short bodies to shake hands with the crowd: So convenient!

They are extremely ferocious and deadly at about the same time each month: You'll be well protected, as long as you remain on their good side.

You only need to pay them 78% of what a male Secret Service agent makes: Who says the government doesn't care about saving money?

Their hair ties can double as a tourniquet in an emergency: As long as you can convince them to mess up their ponytails.

They're great at kissing boo-boos: Nothing helps a bullet wound like a nice kiss to make it all better.

They are every bit as strong and capable as men: Netflix films have proven this once and for all.

Well, there you have it — maybe now you'll think twice before criticizing the idea of female Secret Service agents. Do better, bigot!