Saturday, July 20, 2024

Kavod Habriyos For Joe B.

There is a debate raging in the frum media if it is a show of bad middos to show videos or to repeat quotes highlighting Biden's oncoming dementia. What about כבוד הבריות??!! Biden is a person and deserves respect like all human beings.

My humble opinion: Good point. Something to think about.

But my conclusion is that no, it is not a problem.

Reasons being: People have to know that the man who insists on running for the office of the most powerful person on the planet, is at best, "debatably" mentally fit to fill the position and will certainly not be so later in his term. So he is a danger to humanity and people should know.   

Also - he is a רשע. A] he is in favor of killing live babies [in utero]. As we discussed at length in our shiurim - for a בן נח, abortion is murder and the abortionist is חייב מיתה. B] He is in favor of permitting two men to have sexual relations and even hosted a gay-day on the White House lawn. C] He is an עובד עבודה זרה [Catholicism is עבודה זרה even for Goyim acc. to many opinions]. D] He has sent hundreds of millions of dollars to our enemies in "humanitarian aid" which most probably goes to help the Hamas war effort against us. No problem mocking and/or exposing a רשע.  

PS - This does NOT mean that DJT is a Tzadik by ANY stretch of even the most wild imagination.