Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Vital Issue

I was linked to an article from a number of months ago in a Jewish publication where a rabbi was interviewed and said that in the last 5 years he has not counseled a couple with any level of relationship where pornography was not an issue. Now, this rabbi himself was recently arrested for his own [alleged] misdeeds in this area but we will focus on the message and not on the messenger. This is a huuuuge problem! It is destroying both individuals and their families.

The reality is that men who look at pritzus are definitely at fault and destroy their neshamos forever. Spiritual suicide is no less a tragedy than the physical type. However, I would like to re-emphasize what I have spoken about before. Our entire society perpetuates and exacerbates the problem. When you go to a ball game, for some reason, there have to be women dressed [or not dressed] as prutzos to lead the cheers. No man needs a some young pretty girl to tell him to cheer. In general, men don't like to be told what to do - certainly not by women. So of course they are not there to lead the cheers but to ignite the yetzer hara of the men. When one walks down the street he is inundated on all sides by advertisements featuring scantily clad women. All of Hollywood is built around the focus on woman as bodies to be lusted after. A person who wants to be holy cannot even watch the news because the female newscasters are invariably beautiful heavily made up women whose job is less to report the news and more to "attract" viewers. When a women dresses in a suggestive manner [as is the "minhag ha-medina"], she is tacitly encouraging men to view women as soulless objects.

This is a blog for bnei and bnos torah. What shocks me is how many religious people consciously or unconsciously ignore this problem and not only cheapen themselves but also all those around them. So please sweetest friends, guard our holy bris with Hakadosh Baruch Hu by guarding your bris. Don't use the internet unless absolutely necessary, keep your eyes down and thoughts pure, avoid books, magazines and newspapers that contaminate and allow your neshamos to soar.

My sweetest sisters. Please, when you get dressed in the morning, remember, men are looking at you. It is their nature and there is almost nothing they can do to change it. Dress in a way that brings home the fact that your body is just a kli for the neshama and is not designed in order to activate the pleasure centers in a male brain. By doing so you make yourself holier and those around you as well...

Anybody listening??