If someone would give me all of the treasures of the world in exchange for one minute of breathing the holy air of Israel or if I am offered me all of the money in the world for one breath of the impure air of chutz la-aretz, I will laugh it away. UNLESS, there is a great need to go for the greater Jewish community, in which case the mekubalim promise that if one goes to chutz la-aretz temporarily if he is so commanded by the Torah, the air of Israel goes along with this person and his love of its holiness, and spiritually speaking the place where he is also has a bit of Eretz Yisrael in it. But to leave the place of our life and vitality and go to chutz la-aretz, which is like serving idols [Ksubos 110], I wonder how such a great person as you can offer such advice....??!
In his halacha sefer Mishpat Kohen [147] he challenges the heter to leave Israel in order to daven at the graves of tzadikim. You want kedusha, he says, stay home!:-)
לרפואת אליענה נעמי בת איילת יוכבד בתוך שח"י