Thursday, November 6, 2014

Challenging The Concept Of Bechira

Here is an Ishbitzer on this weeks parsha that has forced many to do intellectual figure 8's in the air to try to figure out what he means. Everyone and their Auntie Bertha knows the saying of Chazal that all is in the hands of Hashem except for yiras shomayim. When it comes to religious matters we are completely free agents and can do as we please. Hashem decides how much money we will have, whom we will marry and when, our health situation etc. etc. but spiritual matters are in our hands. הכל בידי שמים חוץ יראת שמים.

The Ishbitzer says that Sarah denied laughing in order to bring to a revelation that even yiras shomayim is in the hands of Hashem. Yitzchak revealed to the world that even yiras shomayim is in the hands of Hashem and this could not have been revealed had Sarah not denied laughing when she heard that her hundred year old husband is going to father this child.

I don't understand what I just wrote:-). But the upshot is that EVEN our sins are from Hashem. It just APPEARS that we choose to sin but it is really the Hand of Hashem guiding us in our lashon-hara-hirhurim-assurim-gezel etc. etc. etc. fill in the blanks with your aveiros. The Baal Shem Tov is quoted [by the Degel Machane Ephraim] as says that the word חטא has an aleph [even though it doesn't need one] to teach us that Hashem, the Alupho Shel Olam, is hidden even in our sins.

So why are we punished when we sin [or rewarded when we do a mitzva]? What did we do wrong? It was all from Hashem?! What about the concept of bechira? Ultimately, EVERYTHING is in G-d's hands! How would the Rambam feel about this Ishbitzer [see what he says about bechira in Hilchos Teshuva]? I would guess that he would be less than pleased.

What is attractive about his idea is the notion that G-d controls everything, so we have NOTHING to worry about. What is troubling, is the notion that we are just puppets and aren't really choosing even though we instinctively feel that we do choose.
[See Tzidkas Hatzadik Os Me"m]

Any ideas?