Tuesday, November 11, 2014

See Hashem Every Day

I often quote the Sfas Emes [and did so publicly recently] who says many times that if you KNOW that Hashem is guiding your life, He will show you clearly that He is. I have seen this many times in my own life.

Yesterday, I was walking down Central Park West as I often do and had this irresistable urge to go into the park which I NEVER do, just like that. I told myself that it was a glorious מה רבו מעשיך השם day and I should enjoy His beautiful park. I always have to keep in my that just as my friend's wife may be beautiful, I may not gaze at her, so too, just as chutz la-aretz may be beautiful in certain places, She is not my wife. I made a covenant with Hashem to be bound to Eretz Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael alone, so I may not get too enamored with any beauty in chu"l. The US may be called ארצות הברית - the Land Of The Covenant, but the truth is that the REAL Land Of The Covenant is Eretz Yisrael. But for מה רבו מעשיך השם one may enjoy chutz la-aretz as well [if he must be there in the first place].

Anyway, as I was walking through the park a Jewish looking elderly man stopped me and asked me to sit next to him. First he wanted to give me two dollars to buy myself a drink [I politely declined:-)]. Then he began to relate to me his tzaros, he lives all alone, the neighbors drive him crazy, he can't afford to live elsewhere etc. etc. I sat listening as he went on and on and debated with myself how long to listen and when to tell him that I must go [I had pressing things to attend to]. I listened for a while and then blessed him with better days and we parted.

About two hours later, I went to mincha and .... there he was. He approached me and was so glad to see a familiar face.

Did Hashem guide me there or WHAT?

Today I must go to Boro Park. I wonder what Hashem has in store for me....:-).