Monday, November 3, 2014

The World Of The Spirit Vs. The World Of Matter - Does "Matter" Matter?

A shtikel from Maran HaRav ztz"l:
בקטנות הדעת מונח ארס פנימי שנדמה על ידו שכל הנתקה מן החול אל הקודש היא דחיה מישות אל אפסיות. 
חסר זה היסוד המאיר שכל הנתקה מן החול אל הקודש היא בריחה מחורבן ואפסיות אל הישוב המילוי והישוב הכבירה והאיתנה. [אורות הקודש ח"ב עמ' שח] אותו הדמיון המתעה המראה את הוד האצילות בצורה שוממה ואת כל המהומה שבחיים בצורה מיושבת ובנויה מה שהוא השקר היותר מסואב שבעולם [שם עמ' שי]
There is a "poison" which we have all swallowed to a certain extent. People with their small Facebook-drunk minds, believe that the world of the material and concrete is the "real" world while the spiritual domain is a fantasy world that doesn't really exist. The truth .... is the exact opposite:-).
The "real" world is the spiritual world while the material world is, relatively speaking, fake. Think of the concept of time. Every second is gone as quickly as it came. As the popular song from the 70's went - "Hello, hello, hello, hello, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye goodbye". So quick. You eat something, it tastes good for a few seconds and then it is gone. Myse ishus - tyve-tyve-tyve-tyve, then tyve fulfilled and .... nothing. Why do people live for these shtusim??:-) People are born and die. As quickly as they come in they fade away. One split second and gone. Outta here:-). Pleasure, what everybody is after [everybody has 'their' pleasure but everybody is after some pleasure], is just a matter of the senses sending a message to the brain or the brain interpreting events as pleasurable but there are no absolutes.
In the world of the spirit - things are eternal. There is no concept of "time" as we know it. A good deed is inherently good and lasts forever. Reward and pleasure are not just matters of the senses and brain chemistry but absolutes. The "absolute" is a soul connecting to true reality and [kviyachol] the "absolute pleasure" - Hashem Himself.
Go for it:-)