Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Politicians Woo Me - Holy Moon On Seventy Second Street

Mysim from my visit to the States of America:-).

1] I keep getting calls from prominent politicians asking ME PERSONALLY to vote for them. I must admit that I am flattered. But then when I get down to the nitty-gritty and ask them about the core issues they don't answer me. It is almost like I am talking to a machine and not to an actual human being. Why would I vote for them if they won't intelligently discuss the issues with me on the phone when they call? Nu-nu. Strange country. Then again, in Israel they don't call me up in the first place.

2] Tonight I went downstairs to 72nd street to say kiddush levana. I was in doubt as to whether the moon was "kosher" enough for a bracha as it was covered by a cloud although clearly visible. So I was standing on the sidewalk, dressed in my kiddush levana garb, gazing intently at the moon. Pedestrians strolling by probably thought that I am weird. They were correct but for reasons other than what they thought:-).

Happy ending - the clouds parted, I sanctified the moon and walked happily into my building:-).

But there was nobody to say Shalom Aleichem to, so I do it virtually - Shalom Aleichem [Aleichem Shalom], Shalom Aleichem [Aleichem Shalom], Shalom Aleichem [Aleichim Shalom]!

Now who am I going to dance with?

Tovim meoros, she-bara Elokeinu yitzaram bi-daas.....