In this weeks parsha [Matos for those not following:-)], Hashem tells Moshe to wage war against Midyan. But if you read the psukim carefully you will notice that he doesn't go himself but sends other people out to do the job for him. Why?
The Medrash explains that Moshe felt that it was morally repugnant to wage war against Midian after they gave him refuge when he fled from Paroh.
Very nice - but what about Hashem's command?
Explains Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz that we see from here that morality DEFINES the Divine command. Moshe understand that Hashem could not have meant him personally and must have meant that he should send others.
This idea could be used and abused. Anything could be twisted to fit with my personal sense of morality. But if you are Moshe Rabbeinu [or any other Tzadik who is aligned with the will of Hashem] you have the mandate and obligation to interpret Hashem's word so that it is consistent with morality.
I say that regarding this post and in general in life. If you think you are doing a mitzva but if conflicts with human decency or causes someone else pain - be VERY careful. It might be that you THINK you are doing a mitzva when it is really an aveira.
Ask a shyla.....