Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Smell Of Arrogance - Appreciation

In the last month, over 11,641 times, people have visited this blog. The blog in lashon ha-kodesh has had 1,205 visits. This does not make me boastful that I am such a great writer. Gyveh smells really bad and the restrictions on bathing during the 9 days make one smelly enough so who wants to smell more?!:-)

But it does mean that Baruch Hashem people are interested in growing and learning and maybe hearing things that make them a bit uncomfortable. Rav Chaim Brisker once said that the job of a Rov is to make the uncomfortable - comfortable and the comfortable - uncomfortable. Some of the posts are quite חריף and it is a good sign that people still come to hear more. So I wanted to give everyone a big yashar koach for coming, learning, thinking, prodding and growing.

I also wanted to thank everyone. I live in a place called Givat Ze'ev which many have never heard of and almost everybody has never been there and yet I have had lsmost 13,000 visits in the last month alone....

So thank you for being my partner in Limmud Hatorah:-).
