Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Parnassa For A Yid - Open Fire Dude - Lying To The Goel Hadam - Elderly Kohen Gadol

In this weeks parsha we read about the עיר מקלט. I am sharing some Torah from Ha-Gaon Rav Avaraham Genechovski who presented in his personal manuscripts, various questions that arouse the mind to think harder and deeper. It should be a zchus for a person very close to me, אלחנן בן הענא מרים, [VERY!:-)], that Hashem should redeem him and he should have enough parnassa to live. He and his family don't need cars [or even a car - he can't drive...], vacations [living in Israel is a lifetime vacation], fancy clothing or excessive clothing [how many white shirts and black pants does one need], or any other luxuries. Just the basics. If Hashem wants to share from his treasure house and give more, then he will accept with joy and share with others. In the zchus of learning and adding your own thoughts - you should be zocheh to EVERYTHING you need!

We know that a רוצח בשוגג goes to an עיר מקלט and if he leaves, the גואל הדם may kill him. When the גואל הדם pursues him, he may run away and need not stand in a stationary position, open his shirt and say "Open fire, dude".

  • The question is - Is he allowed to lie and tell the גואל הדם that the Kohen Gadol died and that his blood is no longer permitted for the spilling?

  • Another question - Is he allowed to be מחלל שבת to save himself? Maybe this is not in the category of פיקוח נפש דוחה שבת because the Torah gave permission to the גוה"ד to kill him?

  • If the killer left the עיר מקלט במזיד and then the כהן גדול died it would seem that he may not be killed [even though when he left he was מפקיר his blood, now that the כה"ג died he is off the hook]. How then can anybody kill the יוצא מעיר מקלט - maybe the Kohen Gadol died? The answer is that he has a חזקת חיים and you can assume he is still alive. But let's say that he is already 80 years old and no longer has a חזקת חיים [see Gittin 28a that one shouldn't give a get overseas to the wife of a man over 80 lest he have died]. Maybe the גואל הדם can't be killed lest the Kohen Gadol has died in the interim.

What about if you are not sure if the כה"ג is 80? That would depend on the question that the poskim discuss if you must rise for a person whom you are not sure if he has reached שיבה [seventy years old].


  • According to the opinion in the gemara that a רוצח may be killed even if he lest the עיר מקלט בשוגג  - what is the halacha if someone is forcibly dragging him out. Is one allowed to be מחלל שבת to prevent him from being forced out? Apparently yes. Here, he is פטור and we can do everything to save him.

  •   According to the opinion in the gemara that if one leaves the עיר מקלט בשוגג one may NOT kill him, what is the din if he leaves במזיד but then does תשובה and changes his mind. He WANTS to return to the עיר מקלט now so maybe he is שוגג. Or maybe since he left במזיד it is too late and lights out [if the גוה"ד gets him]? It would seem like the latter is correct. Since he left במזיד we need a strong proof to say that he is off the hook after he decides to return.


Now let's say he left במזיד and now wants to return and someone is preventing him from doing so, do we say that one can be מחלל שבת in order to help him return. If he was inside and someone is forcing him out we said that חילול שבת is permitted because he is פטור. But if he is already out במזיד and his blood is permitted, maybe חילול שבת is not permitted in order to enable him to return?