Thursday, July 16, 2015

Todir And Aino Tadir - Part 2

What is the din in a case where if one fulfills the תדיר first in a לכתחילה way then he won't be able to fulfill the אינו תדיר but if he fulfills the תדיר in a בדיעבד way then he will be able to fulfill the אינו תדיר?

Nafka Minah: If one can bentch or say Shema, Shema comes first. Let us say that if he says Shema out loud [which is לכתחילה] then he won't be able to bentch at all. But if he says it silently [בדיעבד he is יוצא] then he WILL be able to bentch. Should he bentch out loud [thus missing Shema] or silently?

The gemara discusses the following case [Menachos 49a]: You have two obligations - mussaf of today and tomid of tomorrow, but only one animal. Which one takes precedence? The mussaf of today which is holier - מקודש or the tomid of tomorrow which is תדיר.

Let us assume that תדיר wins and you bring the tomid  - what about a case where you can bring an animal not inspected for blemishes [אינו מבוקר] for the tomid [which is בדיעבד] and then you will be able to bring the mussaf but if you bring a tomid that is מבוקר then you won't be able to bring the mussaf at all. What should you do?

[See Chazon Ish Menachos 33/3]

From the Treasure Troves of Ha-Gaon Ha-Rav Avraham Genechovski ztz"l.